Our 高中 Preview Day and Open House events for grades 9-12 are coming up!  网上注册




作为家长, you don’t want to have to choose between strong academics and a community with strong Christian values. You want your child to flourish — academically, 社会, 情感ly, and 精神上. 你想看到他们成长, 同时, 能够沉浸在那些珍贵的童年时光. Our elementary (K – Grade 2) and upper elementary (等级3 - 5) program at Eastern Christian is whole-child, Christ-centered education that preserves values and the best p艺术s of being a child, introducing age-appropriate concepts and content at developmentally appropriate stages, delivered from a Biblical worldview to ensure students are well-prepared to be in 世界与非 of it.


在电子商务, you can expect a solid and diverse academic foundation and a Christian value system that aligns with what you’re modeling at home. 学生的安全是我们的首要任务,而不仅仅是人身安全. 我们也追求情感, 社会, 通过培养获得精神上的幸福, 支持教师, 志同道合的同行, 以及一个反映基督教世界观的校园社区.


我们有一个专门负责运营和学生安全的主管, 学校保安主任, 还有一个专为体育设计的校园, 情感, 还有社会安全, 与通信, 培训, 协议, 以及咨询服务.


通过我们40名敬业的教职员工, our 300+ preschool and elementary school students feel seen and valued. 通过小班教学,我们能够真正了解你的孩子.


Whether it’s individualized academic support or seeing Christian values modeled 在教室里, 你的孩子会释放他们的潜能, 发现新的兴趣和激情. 


Looking for a private Christian elementary school in Bergen County, New Jersey?

Download our 初级家长指南 and learn more about how Eastern Christian School can meet the needs of your child. 你的电子书包括我们如何保持学生的身体健康, 社会, 精神上, 情感安全, as well as how we build excellent academic foundations with a Christian worldview.


“We love the fact that our children get to hear about God everyday at school. The 圣经 instructs us in Deuteronomy 6:7 to teach the word of God to our children when we sit at home and when we walk along the road, 当我们躺下和起床的时候. 因为他们每天在学校呆7个小时, we are grateful that they do not miss out on hearing God’s word during this period. Our faith and love for God as a community also unifies us and this helps to bridge cultural differences. 我们有幸拥有真诚的朋友.”

Stella和Eric Osae-Twum


Our elementary (幼儿园 – Grade 2) and upper elementary (等级3 - 5) programs are designed to establish a solid academic foundation. 因为这几年是建立牢固根基的关键时期, we have intentionally built our curriculum to ignite interest in core subjects and creative pursuits of 艺术, 音乐, 以及跨学科学习.

我们的基督教课程根植于21世纪的方法. 除了美术,图书馆,音乐和体育.E., elementary students p艺术icipate in a STEAM class on a weekly basis: a hands-on class incorporating science, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学, and helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they collaborate with their classmates to build, 创建和编码. 

Beginning in kinderg艺术en, students receive daily phonics instruction through Fundations. 这个技能练习, 加上我们语言艺术课程的其他组成部分, fosters growth in reading fluency and comprehension and instills a love of reading.  


  • 圣经
  • 数学
  • 阅读
  • 科学
  • 社会研究
  • 写作

We use 技术 to enhance learning with Promethean Boards in every classroom, 幼儿园和一年级的ipad, 以及从二年级开始的1:1 Chromebook.


在小学阶段, we encourage students to view the world around them through the lens of the word of God, 我们把基督教的世界观融入到我们所做的每件事中.

From studying science as God’s creation 和数学 as how God demonstrates an orderly world, Eastern Christian School students are always learning from a biblical perspective. 我们的老师在招聘过程中肯定了他们的信仰, and they exercise it through modeling Christian behavior and shepherding students. 圣经 is a required course for all grades, and weekly chapel is a time of fellowship and worship. We put our faith into action through service learning and mission work — our elementary school students raise money annually to support local ministries. 了解更多新葡京app如何 集成的世界观 在教室里. 


无论是速成课程还是学术支持, we ensure students can be successful 在教室里 no matter their learning style.

Our Horizons Program is designed for learners with demonstrated gifts and talents. Horizons students p艺术icipate weekly in a small group setting for advanced, 深入, 以及在识字和/或数学方面具有概念挑战性的教学. 

Our Owl’s Nest Program for elementary students and The Educational Support Services (TESS) for upper elementary students provides support for those who learn differently or need extra academic reinforcement. 学生与教师的比例很低, 学生体验各种多感官, 高度结构化的, 和顺序程序,以满足他们的各种学术需求.


At Eastern Christian School, character development is p艺术 of our curriculum, community, and culture. 我们正在培养未来的领导者, knowing they will pursue the character of Christ and be transforming agents in a global society. We are one of only seven school districts nationwide, and the only Christian school, to be named a 国家品格学区 by 字符.org.

回馈社会是欧共体文化的重要组成部分. 学生可以参加各种服务机会, whether it’s supporting our local community or a country in a different p艺术 of the world.


新葡京app是一所独立的私立学校, 也就是说我们是由董事会管理的, 大部分是送孩子来我们学校的家长. 

我们相信与父母和家人的合作关系. 我们有很多机会让家长参与进来, 包括一个非常活跃的专利商标局, 父母的房间, 实地考察陪同, 敬拜父母, 热午餐父母, 和更多的!


Dr. 唐娜Furrey



“我曾是欧共体的学生, I know first hand the impact that a Chrstian school teacher can have on a student’s life… I am so blessed to have the opportunity to return to EC and share my three loves — love of God, 热爱教学, 和对孩子的爱. What an incredible opportunity to be p艺术 of a school that holds both academic excellence and biblical truth in such high regard.”

Searching for a private Christian elementary school in Bergen County, NJ?

See firsthand why families choose Eastern Christian School for their children!



The 米德兰公园 Campus provides a secure learning environment in beautiful, 维护良好的设施. Both 学前教育 and 小学 programs are located on this campus, 有适合年龄的操场, 教育技术设施, 体育馆, 还有专门的房间供音乐和艺术等特殊活动使用.



(等级3 - 5)

The Wyckoff Campus houses the 上小学 and 中学 programs, 位于学校不同的两翼. 校园提供了一个干净的, 宽敞的, 还有包括媒体中心在内的安全环境, 运动空间, 体育馆, 音乐教室, 艺术的房间, 和更多的.

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